It is however very important we complete Requiem Aeternam before doing this Achievement as a lot of the tricks & skills we will accumulate for beating Bosses without Bile Flasks will come into play, as speed is of the essence. The final half playthrough will be for attempting the Bronze Medal Achievement for passing through the Bronze Door on the Bridge of Calvary in under 3 hours… which is not actually as difficult as it sounds. Unfortunately, this has to be completed on a fresh Save & cannot be done during NG+ since NG+ is a DLC addition to the game.

The second playthrough will be for mopping up the Achievements missed during our first run through as well as working towards the Requiem Aeternam Achievement for beating all 10 of the Base Game Bosses without using a Bile Flask during the fight (or afterwards). There is a bit of grinding in this first playthrough so we can have enough Tears of Atonement to purchase all of the Abilities as well as Items for sale at Candelaria’s Shops. Certain NPC Questlines are also a bit tricky to finagle, but that is where I come in with this guide. There are a few missable Achievements in this game, but if you are on top of delivering Medicinal Herbs back to Tirso before defeating Area Bosses you should be alright. The first playthrough is a 100% Game Completion playthrough where we will beat the game fully, find all Collectibles, & complete the majority of NPC Questlines.

All 45 Achievements are strictly based on the Base Game at present. Blasphemous will require 2.5 playthroughs to 100% the added DLCs (The Stir of Dawn, Strife & Ruin, & Wounds of Eventide) though add new Items to the game do not have associated Achievements.