Hand of fate warlord
Hand of fate warlord

hand of fate warlord

The (mostly female) lower classes of his outpost actually view the ruthless and torture-prone Crossed hordes as A Lighter Shade of Black than Nathan. His society has a great deal of military strength, is extremely misogynistic, and has no prohibition against rape. Crossed: In the +100: Mimic miniseries, Commander Chief Nathan is the leader of a group that was either a Right-Wing Militia Fanatic group before the end of society or regressed to one afterwards.Black Mask goes in for mutilating his subjects in order to "unmask" them, while Killer Croc and Victor Zsasz are shown in some kind of turf war. In Batman: No Man's Land a big chunk of the Caped Crusader's Rogues Gallery gets a chance to live out their warlord fantasies.Violence Jack: Takatora Doma, the Slum King, who practically has all of the destroyed, post-earthquake Kanto under his control, and is the greatest enemy of the titular Anti-Hero.The High Priestess of the Sisters is effectively one as well, as the cult controls a stretch of the Outback known as the Divide, and under her rule has a tendency to kill every man they meet, and forcibly induct and brainwash women.Shane is the main human antagonist to Hayley and Taylor (while the Kaiju are, of course, the greater overarching threat). Shane is the ruler of Bogan, a camp of survivors and mercenaries who prowl the Australian Outback, scavenging and trading in Jaeger and Kaiju parts.Now and Then, Here and There: King Hamdo, the main villain, is the ruthless but deeply neurotic ruler of Hellywood, commanding an army of Child Soldiers recruited from villages he has raided or destroyed.Unlike Raoh, he has no wish to promote stability in the wasteland, but only to satisfy his own ego, enslaving countless children to use as labor building a monument to himself. Thouzer, the "Holy Emperor", is Raoh's only challenger aside from Kenshiro thanks to being immune to Hokuto Shinken.However, he is still a ruthless and ambitious tyrant whose plans involve killing Kenshiro and taking his Love Interest Yuria for himself. He genuinely wants to bring order to the wasteland, cares for his followers like a father, and does not tolerate senseless torture and cruelty towards the innocent. Raoh, the "King of Fists", the "Conqueror of the Century's End", is the biggest warlord of the original series.The Colonel is the leader of the "Golan Organization" ("God's Army" in the anime), The Remnant of a pre-war military that has descended into an army of religious zealots that kidnaps young women for use as breeding stock.He lasts much longer in the anime adaptation, where several independent villains become his subordinates. Shin, Kenshiro's Rival Turned Evil, who rules the City of Southern Cross as a king, and is the man responsible for engraving the signature seven stars on Kenshiro's chest after besting him in combat.All over the place in Fist of the North Star:.After all, the post-apocalyptic wasteland is an unimaginably harsh and unforgiving world, and only the toughest and strongest will survive to see the next day, let alone have any hope of one day rebuilding civilization. But one thing almost all Wasteland Warlords share is that they are not afraid to resort to brutal methods in the name of survival. Sometimes they can be benevolent, and even provide a safe refuge for the last remnants of humanity in a wilderness otherwise overrun by zombies, mutants, demons, monsters, killer robots, et cetera. Unlike an Evil Overlord, the Wasteland Warlord may not necessarily be villainous (though they often are).

hand of fate warlord

In the power vacuum left by the collapse of civilization, the Wasteland Warlord often fulfills the closest thing the setting has to a functioning government, providing their followers with resources, security, stability, a sense of purpose, or even the promise of a rewarding afterlife. Much like real-life warlords in many war-torn regions, failed states, or other chaotic areas of the world, the Wasteland Warlord usually attains power by force and by commanding the unwavering support and loyalty of their followers. The Wasteland Warlord is the powerful, autocratic leader of a faction in your Standard Post-Apocalyptic Setting.

Hand of fate warlord