Then he detached himself from the body, which lay as a thing dead. "I will show you," he (Ghek) said, and lay down on the floor. This unusual symbiotic relationship is described by Burroughs: The Kaldanes have domesticated and bred the rykor, a one time burrowing animal, into a brainless body which has the physical characteristics and appearance of the Red Man as a method of transportation and vehicle for tending their fields and towers.
The aspiration of the kaldane race is to evolve into pure intellects, to be free of the constraints of flesh and blood exisitence. ERB outdid himself with the kaldane race sentient creatures who are all head and very little body able to exist in a near vacuum at the planetary core. Of Barsoom's many wonderful races surely the Kaldane of Bantoom is the most unusual in both physical appearance and society.

All are memorable, and one or two characters are actually endearing! THE KALDANES Others are cold and distant, completely lacking in any form of human sensitivities. A few have sentiments similar to terrestrial humans, a sense of honor and emotion. There is an inherent world logic and sense of evolution distinctly Barsoomian in these "people" of the planet Mars. A few of these races are right out of horror films, created long before films even got started! Some embrace super science or intellect, others appear to be evolutionary nightmares, and at least one appears to be a nothing more than cosmic comic relief. While the major human (Black, Red, White, Yellow) and the near human Green are the most frequently described of the various races of Barsoom, Edgar Rice Burroughs also introduced readers to some very strange and alien cultures.